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I find it great that even with 2D games we can always find new game modes

I played your game, good job, arts look brilliant expect some animations. But the programming part oft the really bad. Too small players speed, unresponsive controls, low gravity and animations transitions are a point to change. The idea is cool, and as I said I REALLY ENJOYED the graphics and the games style. If you are interested, I'm a programmer and I work on unity, I did huge amount of platformers, one of them made in a week for a jam, which  you can check at my page even the game is a prototype, and Im working on it. I have a big problems with graphics, so I would be happy to compare with someone!

Hey there, thank you for your review! I'll make sure to check your stuff out


it's a very good start at a platforming game the mechanics don't feel smooth or precise while platforming and the double jump just seems to choose when to work but it does have a story and it does seem to function as intended my full play through and thoughts here: